Two Beta Tau Chapter leaders recently attended a national Delta Tau Delta Fraternity training in Denton, Texas. Chapter President Josh Hoins “23” attended his second Presidents Excellence Institute (PresX). This was the first time he was able to attend in person as last year’s PresX was held virtually. It was held at Camp Copass in Denton, Texas near Dallas.

Hoins attends 2022 PresX
Josh was in a group comprised of other large university chapters where they learned skills to help improve their chapters. Having already attended PresX previously and holding the experience of a previous Chapter President, Josh was able to share his knowledge with other chapters needing help. “I noticed that not all chapters have the same successful operations and programming like we have at Beta Tau. I was able to provide what I know and have experienced to help other chapters.” Despite being a second term chapter president of an outstanding chapter, Josh was still able to learn and take something away from the experience. “We did an activity where we tried selling an idea to a group of investors, like the TV show Shark Tank. I learned skills for our recruitment program that I can ‘sell’ and get our ‘investors’/members to buy into for the betterment of the chapter.”
Tarpey attends inaugural New Member Education Training
Beta Tau Chapter’s Director of New Member Education, Sean Tarpey “23”, attended the inaugural New Member Education Training. This training was held in conjunction with PresX at Camp Copass. Sean received skills on developing relationships, change management, peer mentoring, and meeting facilitation. “I’m proud to be a part of the first New Member Education Training ever held. I received skills that will help take our new member education program to the next level.”
Beta Tau’s Chapter Advisor, Ryan Caldwell (Theta Kappa) “02” served as a facilitator at the New Member Education Training. “The training really made the new member educators think outside the box when it comes to mentoring, hazing, and communicating. I’m looking forward to seeing what develops at Beta Tau and nationally.”
PresX and New Member Educator Training was held at Camp Copass in Denton, Texas. The camp is on a peninsula surrounded by Lewisville Lake. Individuals were divided into small groups based on chapter office held, chapter size, and size/type of university and housed in camp barracks together for the week. Members had their transportation and attendance paid for through the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation.